A new approach to crushing 3-manifold triangulations
by Benjamin A. Burton -
Computing closed essential surfaces in knot complements
by Benjamin A. Burton, Alexander Coward, and Stephan Tillmann -
Counting and sampling minimum cuts in genus g graphs
by Erin Chambers, Kyle Fox, and Amir Nayyeri -
Efficiently hex-meshing things(,) with topology
by Jeff Erickson -
Geometry in the space of persistence modules and diagrams
by Vin de Silva and Vidit Nanda -
Graph induced complex on point data [no preprint available]
by Tamal Dey, Fengtao Fan, and Yusu Wang -
Homological reconstruction and simplification in R3
by Dominique Attali, Ulrich Bauer, Olivier Devillers, Marc Glisse, and André Lieutier. -
Localized Delaunay refinement for piecewise-smooth complexes [no preprint available]
by Tamal Dey and Andrew Slatton. -
Measuring similarity between curves on 2-manifolds via homotopy area
by Erin Chambers and Yusu Wang -
Parameterized complexity of discrete Morse theory
by João Paixão, Jonathan Spreer, Benjamin A. Burton, and Thomas Lewiner -
Topological graphs: Empty triangles and disjoint matchings [no preprint available]
by Andres J. Ruiz-Vargas and Radoslav Fulek -
Zigzag zoology: Rips zigzags for homology inference
by Steve Oudot and Don Sheehy
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